Glenda Johnson
Master Coach of Conscious Health and Creator of the Return to Wholeness Audio Experience.
Hover over the paintings below to read about Glenda Johnson's story
In about 2005 I began my journey into coaching people to change and get better results in their life. I studied many different schools of thought on the matter but in the end I was only able to help people at a surface level. I wanted to effect people at a much deeper level and so my search continued for the keys to unlock people’s ability to heal themselves with “alternative” means.
It wasn’t until about 2010 when I studied Dr. Hamer’s work about how all physical ailments are tied emotionally in mind and that true healing could not occur unless both aspects were resolved. This piece of the puzzle helped me realize that emotional shocks are often the triggers that set off dis-ease and illness and as a result I was able to help people heal themselves much more effectively and efficiently.
I knew I was on to something, so I took a deep dive into Dr. Hamer’s work.
When I met Richard Flook in 2013 my practice made a total shift that would eventually help me provide an amazing foundation for what would become the Return To Wholeness method.
In 2016 I would face my own healing crisis having to face cancer in my own body and the final piece of the puzzle came to me through mentor Joseph Takuski. While working with him on my spiritual growth, he shared the difference between one healers success over another’s really had more to do with the energy level of the healer themselves rather than the techniques they were using. Two healers of very equivalent training and skill levels could get very different results. It doesn’t matter how much training you have or how many skills, if you aren’t in that healing state yourself the results will only be temporary.
Gratefully and diligently I was able to put all these pieces of the healing puzzle together and Conscious Health Coaching was born and I used it to heal my own cancer into full remission without traditional means.
Today I share this wisdom with both personal clients and coaches alike for great success and healings. If you are ready to resolve what ails you for good, take the first step and see the power of my propriety healing system Return to Wholeness for yourself.
My Story of Returning to Wholeness and Wellness
In about 2005 I began my journey into coaching people to change and get better results in their life. I studied many different schools of thought on the matter but in the end I was only able to help people at a surface level. I wanted to effect people at a much deeper level and so my search continued for the keys to unlock people’s ability to heal themselves with “alternative” means.
It wasn’t until about 2010 when I studied Dr. Hamer’s work about how all physical ailments are tied emotionally in mind and that true healing could not occur unless both aspect were resolved. This piece of the puzzle helped me realize that emotional shocks are often the triggers that set off dis-ease and illness and as a result I was able to help people heal themselves much more effectively and efficiently.
I knew I was on to something, so I took a deep dive into Dr. Hamer’s work. When I met Richard Flook in 2014 my practice made a total shift that would eventually help me provide an amazing foundation for what would become the Return To Wholeness method.
In 2016 I would face my own healing crisis having to face cancer in my own body and the final piece of the puzzle came to me through mentor Joseph Takuski. While working with him on my spiritual growth he shared the difference between a healer (and their method) over another had a great deal to do with the energy level of the healer themselves rather than the techniques. Two healers of very equivalent training and skill levels could get very different results. it doesn’t matter how much training you have or how many skills, if you aren’t in that healing state yourself the results will only be temporary.
Gratefully and diligently I was able to put all these pieces of the healing puzzle together and Conscious Health Coaching was born and I used it to heal my own cancer into full remission without traditional means.
Today I share this wisdom with both personal clients and coaches alike for great success and healings. If you are ready to get to resolve what ails you for good, take the first step and see the power of my propriety healing system Return to Wholeness for your self. – Glenda Johnson, RPT & MCHT
I sought Glenda out because I had had enough of feeling “stuck” in my life. I wanted help to clear old issues and patterns and to gain clarity to be able to see and hear again that I have choices and interesting possibilities. I was feeling“trapped” in a few areas and needed some light! After working with Glenda (NLP and Time Line T herapy), amazing openings appeared. Old thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and behaviours have been cleaned up. I feel “re-set”. Opportunities for change and an awareness of choices have presented themselves and keep presenting themselves and I am now able to acknowledge them, to accept them, and to act on them! I am so grateful to Glenda that I am in a new space of openness and it has made a huge difference in my life.
Our level of tension and stress has substantially decreased, most importantly though Ryan is a happier kid who is starting to enjoy successes in areas that before got him into trouble. We continue to use the techniques that you taught us, we're just overall much more mindful and strangely the people that are coming into Ryan's life now are wonderfully kind patient people who are helping to bring out the many precious gifts that Ryan has been blessed with. Thank you so very much for helping us navigate through the tough stuff, you really helped us start to turn around a negative family environment and we all are better for it!
After having had a traumatic experience, I was grateful to have Glenda as my coach and mentor! She used her amazing wisdom and understanding, along with her powerful alternative medicine tools (including ACE), to help me clear the emotional blocks and bel iefs I was carrying from the event. Within no time I was able to be in a more peaceful and healthy state of mind, and the memories of the event has almost no charge for me. I am happier and free to be my old self again! Thank you, Glenda, for providing me with freedom and possibilities!
For at least a couple of years I knew I needed to seek some type of therapy but I hadn't found anyone that made me feel safe enough to be open about my issues. I was dropping weight rapidly, not sleeping well and enjoying moments in my life rarely, if at all. Glenda took me through Time Line Therapy and helped me release all of the negative baggage I had been carrying with me since childhood. With Glenda's support and coaching I was able to regain my voice and believe that I am worthy of love and that my opinions matter. I am now feeling amazing! My relationships are where I want them to be and I am pursuing my goals and looking forward to the future.
In just a few sessions Glenda helped me step out of my dark place. Earlier this year I was experiencing panic attacks, Glenda helped me let go and move forward leaving the attacks behind. She worked with me and helped me uncover the reason behind the emotional roadblocks that I unconsciously put up. The work we did together has benefited me by giving me great coping mechanisms and allowing me to let go and enjoy my life to the fullest.I highly recommend Glenda to anyone having and problem that impedes on their day to day life, she's amazing!
I reached out to Glenda for help, initially, with panic attacks and anxiety; however, I had been suffering with severe depression for nearly 10 years and had difficulty establishing healthy relationships, both romantically and with family members. At 23, I had sought out help through various health professionals and countless pharmaceutical drugs and I had never had great success. However, after three months with Glenda, I can confidently say that I am healthy, confident and optimistic and have taken back control of my life. I no longer live in fear about when I’ll have my next depressive episode, when I’ll have my next panic attack or whether I’ll have to settle in relationships. What I appreciated the most about Glenda was that she was not only empathic and compassionate, but she made a real attempt to connect with you through various personal stories and anecdotes of her own. She doesn’t allow you to talk something to death nor does she allow you to feel sorry for yourself; but rather, she guides you to see the reality in life and empowers you to be the best that you can be.